under construction

randToeplitz(d, n;  norm, hermitian)  
  • d : entry distribution
  • n : dimension
  • norm : default false; if norm set to true, then the matrix will be normlaized with $n^{-1/2}$.
  • hermitian: default true; if true the matrix will be Hermitian


Generate a $4 \times 4$ random Hermitian Toeplitz matrix with entries Standard Normal.


4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
  1.10207   -0.47292   -0.745498   1.06809
 -0.47292    1.10207   -0.47292   -0.745498
 -0.745498  -0.47292    1.10207   -0.47292
  1.06809   -0.745498  -0.47292    1.10207

Generate a $4 \times 4$ normalized random Toeplitz matrix with entries Exponential(1).

using Distributions
randToeplitz(Exponential(1),4, norm = true, hermitian = false)

4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.667888  0.260045  1.48812   0.477305
 1.50374   0.667888  0.260045  1.48812
 1.1475    1.50374   0.667888  0.260045
 0.363966  1.1475    1.50374   0.667888
randHankel(d, n;  norm )  

randHankel(n;  norm)
  • d : entry distribution
  • n : dimension
  • norm : default false, if norm set to true, then the matrix will be normlaized with $n^{-1/2}$.


Generate a $5\times 5$ random Hankel matrix with entries uniformly distributed on $\{1, i, \pi \}$


5×5 Matrix{Number}:
  1   1  im  1   1
  1  im   1  1   π
 im   1   1  π   π
  1   1   π  π   π
  1   π   π  π  im